Nez et profil en médecine esthétique

This technique involves causing a renewal of the skin, with varying speed and depth depending on the facial peel chosen.

Hot Mask and Glycolic Facial Peel

These are mild procedures that improve the complexion, making it lighter and healthier. Even at a high concentration, they cannot remove pigment stains and deep wrinkles. It is a good maintenance facial peel, but it does require several sessions in order to provide satisfactory results (2 to 8 sessions).

TCA (TriChlorAcetic) Facial Peel)

It is preferable to perform a series of 5 to 10 of these facial peels at 15, 12 or 15% rather than a single application at more than 35%, which is less reliable. Furthermore, the 10 or 15% facial peel does not force the patient to stay at home since the desquamation that occurs is fine and discreet (facial peeling is not overtly visible). There are several 'special' TCA-based facial peels, which consist mainly of particular pre- and postoperative protocols, for example Blue peel, Easy peel, etc.

Resorcinol-based facial peel (Unna's paste)

This facial peel, which is practised using Unna's paste, an old but very reliable formula, is effective on fairly deep pigmentation of the face and the body. It can also be used on acne scars, for which it gives very good results. It's a highly visible facial peel with a powerful desquamation effect (the skin becomes brown before peeling off). Some patients can be allergic to it. It is therefore necessary to conduct a test behind the ear before performing it. It is, without doubt, the facial peel that yields one of the most attractive skin textures.

Surgitron® Facial Peel

This procedure allows surface layers of the skin to be removed using a gradual mechanical 'scraping' process with the Surgitron®, a remarkable radio-wave scalpel that does not produce any heat.

Phenol-based facial peel (EXOPEEL®)

It is a highly effective facial peel, known as a 'chemical face-lift', for patients with skin that is very damaged (especially due to the sun) and who are highly motivated. It achieves a stimulation of the skin that lasts for several years. It is ideal for thin skins (including 'withered' eyelids). Despite being a bit complicated to apply and requiring 7 to 10 days of social 'isolation', this facial peel is very much appreciated by patients for the result it gives, which is almost 'magic'. 


As we can see from this non-exhaustive list, there is a 'facial peel solution' to many skin problems, although such a solution sometimes comes at the cost of a few days of social isolation.