Mesotherapy, the medical benefits of which have been well-known for several decades, currently presents two useful applications in the practice of medical aesthetics, the Mesolift procedure and the Mesocellulite procedure.


The Mesolift procedure consists of injecting products designed for revitalisation and hydration into the outer surface of the skin of the face. The revitalising mixture gives the skin renewed tone and a beautiful complexion, even in the case of smokers. The hydrating mixture, on the other hand, helps to treat dry skin and to impove its texture and volume, thanks to the presence of hyaluronic acid.

It is the ideal solution in order to perpetuate the results of more major interventions (fillings, facial peels, face-lifts with barbed threads) or, for example, to obtain an attractive burst of sparkle before a special occasion.

The injection is extremely fine and is administered at the very surface of the skin only, thus hardly causing any bruising at all. This feat is achieved with the use of a sophisticated pneumatic injector: MESALYSE®.


Mesolift: 4 to 8 sessions at intervals of one or two weeks, depending on the skin type and the injection formula used, then a maintenance session every month or every three months.
Mesocellulite: 4 sessions at two-week intervals for two months, then possible maintenance sessions once every 4 to 6 months.

The injections can cause bruising as well as redness and/or heat sensations as a reaction, lasting a few hours to a few days and varying according to the nature of the mixture injected and to individual sensitivities.